Our Message
With a wife suffering from the effects of Multiple Sclerosis we see first hand how fragile life, love and happiness can be. How playing it safe and waiting for a better life is a waste of time and energy. Seize every opportunity and rid negativity from your life.
Don’t let the mainstream media rule your world view. Get out there and experience it for yourself… If you haven’t seen it it doesn’t exist yet. Meet people and see the world through their eyes, you don’t have to agree with them but you may see why they look at the world that way and you can make adjustments or not, as the case may be.


With an illness like multiple sclerosis, you have to accept your limitations. It’s no use wishing things were different because they’re not. Living life with your boundaries can be very rewarding. I can either be ill and miserable, or ill and funny… I choose funny.
– Christine Dowd

From sales and marketing to computer programming I had to interact with people. Discovering a talent for “translating” between different types of people from differing backgrounds helped me hone my communication skills until I became an entertainer.
Performing on stage, in intimate surroundings or even on the street has given me all the experience I need to engage with people at a visceral level. My technical training has enabled me to keep at the forefront of communication technology.
I see myself as a born leader but having it drummed out of me in corporate management seminars led me to denying myself the role in business. I now lead by example only and concentrate on supporting my family and close friends by being a guide or and ear when needed.
The point of this site is to share experiences and to be a window on my corner of the world for those who for whatever reason cannot come to visit. To show everyone that living life in the face of adversity is as rewarding as any traditional success story and to live every day as if it is your last, because one day you’ll be right.
Christine & Timothy Dowd, Av. de la Galga 6, Callao Beach 119, 38678 Callao Salvaje, Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España
+34 694 445 289